Crete, Greece

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us”  (Winston Churchill)

This proposal embraces the idea that a school building is far more than just a place to run classes.  Together with good curriculum, we have an opportunity to create a building that will educate and ‘shape’ a future generation.  A generation that will challenge the conventional, understand our ecology and provide a valuable contribution to the global community.

Innovative, flexible teaching spaces and technology offers students a wider perspective on the world and promotes the concept of “learning by doing”.  Combined with the unique multi-cultural nature of the student population, this school can provide the ultimate springboard to a life of learning and enquiry at university level and beyond.  

The ‘grass roots’ foundation of the campus on such a spectacular site allows students to feel the ground under their feet and inspire on many levels.  Water collection, waste treatment, power generation and food production will all occur on site as transparent, life size, exemplary models the student can view and touch.  Bioclimatic design features integrating building systems with learning environments such as this can promote sustainable living practices well beyond the boundaries of the school grounds now, and in years to come.